Tuesday, November 29, 2011

act 5


Things that are totally awesome :
#1 Romeo and me are married
#2 Romeo didn't want to live without me
#3 The Capulets and the Montagues are getting along after my and Romeo's death.


I am the role of Juliet and I am one of the two most important characters.
The whole story is about my love with my families worst enemies son Romeo and how it ends dramatically.
Because of the fights of  our families and my housband Romeo killed my cousind. So he was banished and was banished from me. With the helped of Friar Lawrence, who also married us. We figured out a plan, so that I faked my death to escape with Romeo, but Romeo never got th eletter who should tell him about this plan. He heard I was dead, came to my grave and killed himself. When I woke up and saw him, dead, my love, I stabed myself with his sword.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Act 4: Interview

Journalist: So, Juliet,there were a lot of bad things happening in Verona. Do you think it started all with your romance with Romeo?

Juliet: We were just in love. We didn't want to hurt anybody. It is not our fault that our families hate each other!

Journalist: Does that mean that you are not involved in the familie fight?

Juliet: No, I'm in love with Romeo, the son of my family's worst enemie and I think this fight just brings death and pain with it.

Journalist: You and Friar Lawrence had the curious plan of the fake death? What are your feelings about that?

Juliet: I'm scared but this seemed to me the only escape because I won't marry Paris.

Journalist: Why don't you give him at least a chance?

Juliet: I can't! I would do it for my parents, but I am in love with Romeo and nobody can change that.

Journalist: Do you think that there will be a happy end for the two and you and that you can probably come back to Verona ?

Juliet: When our plan works out we need some time outside of Verona to let the things calm down. Than we will think about it.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Act 3

Romeo and me are married now, since just a few hours. I felt so lucky but then there was a big fight in the town. I thougt, no I hoped that the fights between my and Romeos family are over because the prince said everybody who starts a fight gets executed but Tybalt, my cousin started a fight. I heard he wanted to fight Romeo, but Romeo tried to avoid a fight. Mercutio, Romeos friend didn't so he and Tybalt fight. And Mercutio died. He was a good friend of my housband, so Romeo wanted revenge. He killed Tybalt and got banished. I never felt so sad.

 My nurse gave me the bad advise to marry Paris, that's why I don't trust her anymore. So I didn't listen to her and had a wonderful last night with my brandnew housband Romeo. Than he had to leave. I cried the whole day. Everybody thought I cried because of Tybalt. But I cried because of Romeo.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Act Two Summary Juliet

The same evening as the party was, Romeo, the guy I met at the party came to my balcony. I was talking with myself, about him, about my planned marriage with Paris and that I'm about to fall in love with him. He first listened to me and than he showed himself and we were talking half the night. He is so romantic, I was so worried about him, if my family would have sawn him there, they would have killed him. But he said the rather would be killed and be with me than be safe at home without me. He is even more romantic than I am. I wanted a proof of love from him, he should marry me.So he went to the Lawrence the next day and I sent my nurse to get his answer for me. The nurse came back too late and I have never been so excited before. That was th elongest half an hour in my life. So she teased me and she didn't want to tell me what he said and what's going to happen. Finally she told me that he went to the Lawrence and we got married right the that day. The Lawrence hoped to make peace between our families, the Montagues and the Capulets, and I hope that too, I hope my partens will understand. We had to do it in secret. But I'm finally married to him and I'm so happy and I hope my parents will understand.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Act one: Things to consider

My name is Juliet and I belong to the Capulet's family. I'm very young, I am 14 and I live in Verona. My family hates the Montagues since generations. Yesterday the Capulet people had a fight with the Montagues. That was maybe the third fight in the last weeks. But this time the Prince made a decision: The next person who starts a fight will be executed. So I am very worried about my family and about my cousin Tybalt, because he hates the Montagues most and he gets aggressive very fast.

 I don't have a good relationship to my mother, because she is very strict to me. My nurse is more like a mother for me. My mother wants me to marry Paris, but tonight I met a boy, his name is Romeo Montague. I shouldn't like him because he's the son of the only enemie my family has. My family had a party tonight and we were dancing and totally falling for each other. Finally we kissed and I knew that he was the right one so we kissed again. I don't know what I'm supposed to tell my mum, I'm supposed to marry Paris, but I'm in love with him. So I don't really know what to do. I hope in the future my mum and my nurse will understand that I don't love Paris. I can't stop thinking about Romeo, I hope I will see him soon. He is so romantic like I am.