Monday, November 14, 2011

Act Two Summary Juliet

The same evening as the party was, Romeo, the guy I met at the party came to my balcony. I was talking with myself, about him, about my planned marriage with Paris and that I'm about to fall in love with him. He first listened to me and than he showed himself and we were talking half the night. He is so romantic, I was so worried about him, if my family would have sawn him there, they would have killed him. But he said the rather would be killed and be with me than be safe at home without me. He is even more romantic than I am. I wanted a proof of love from him, he should marry me.So he went to the Lawrence the next day and I sent my nurse to get his answer for me. The nurse came back too late and I have never been so excited before. That was th elongest half an hour in my life. So she teased me and she didn't want to tell me what he said and what's going to happen. Finally she told me that he went to the Lawrence and we got married right the that day. The Lawrence hoped to make peace between our families, the Montagues and the Capulets, and I hope that too, I hope my partens will understand. We had to do it in secret. But I'm finally married to him and I'm so happy and I hope my parents will understand.



  1. Dearest Juliet,
    I'm so happy that you are not feeling any regrets about marrying me. I know our beginning will be a little bit of a test. Just keep us a secret until we can be sure everyone will accept.
    Love Always,

  2. Juliet this better not be true, your parents will never let you get away with this and do you want to be married to a weak, bad poet. I love you to much to lose you my love. I can protect you way better way better then this gross Montague. Romeo like I said.. YOU ARE DONE!!

  3. So..... you and Romeo that's pretty cool. Did Queen Mab pay you a visit too?
