Friday, November 18, 2011

Act 3

Romeo and me are married now, since just a few hours. I felt so lucky but then there was a big fight in the town. I thougt, no I hoped that the fights between my and Romeos family are over because the prince said everybody who starts a fight gets executed but Tybalt, my cousin started a fight. I heard he wanted to fight Romeo, but Romeo tried to avoid a fight. Mercutio, Romeos friend didn't so he and Tybalt fight. And Mercutio died. He was a good friend of my housband, so Romeo wanted revenge. He killed Tybalt and got banished. I never felt so sad.

 My nurse gave me the bad advise to marry Paris, that's why I don't trust her anymore. So I didn't listen to her and had a wonderful last night with my brandnew housband Romeo. Than he had to leave. I cried the whole day. Everybody thought I cried because of Tybalt. But I cried because of Romeo.


  1. I won't let Paris marry you. I've been crying as well. I don't know what we are going to do my dear. I hope that everything will fix up before it is too late. My best friend is dead and I killed a member of your family. I know now that your parents will never ever accept me into your family.

  2. Not to forshadow but I hope you both die.

  3. You beslubbering, ill-nurtured harpy! How dare you not cry over Tybalt's death! I'm with Mercutio on this one.

  4. Congrats on the marriage I know you are a Capulet and I should not be happy by this but I respect your deciion becuase I know how in love you two are <3

  5. Juliet my love, I will see you Thursday and after that we will be with eachother everyday for the rest of our lives <3 I will look no where as good as you though

  6. Pardon me young lady? I don't care about the words you say. you are not married to Romeo. your marriage is arranged with Paris
