Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Act 4: Interview

Journalist: So, Juliet,there were a lot of bad things happening in Verona. Do you think it started all with your romance with Romeo?

Juliet: We were just in love. We didn't want to hurt anybody. It is not our fault that our families hate each other!

Journalist: Does that mean that you are not involved in the familie fight?

Juliet: No, I'm in love with Romeo, the son of my family's worst enemie and I think this fight just brings death and pain with it.

Journalist: You and Friar Lawrence had the curious plan of the fake death? What are your feelings about that?

Juliet: I'm scared but this seemed to me the only escape because I won't marry Paris.

Journalist: Why don't you give him at least a chance?

Juliet: I can't! I would do it for my parents, but I am in love with Romeo and nobody can change that.

Journalist: Do you think that there will be a happy end for the two and you and that you can probably come back to Verona ?

Juliet: When our plan works out we need some time outside of Verona to let the things calm down. Than we will think about it.


  1. You disrespecting clown, Romeos love for you is what got me killed!

  2. I miss you my love, we shall be together again soon. Our love can't be broken, we were meant to be.
