Monday, November 7, 2011

Act one: Things to consider

My name is Juliet and I belong to the Capulet's family. I'm very young, I am 14 and I live in Verona. My family hates the Montagues since generations. Yesterday the Capulet people had a fight with the Montagues. That was maybe the third fight in the last weeks. But this time the Prince made a decision: The next person who starts a fight will be executed. So I am very worried about my family and about my cousin Tybalt, because he hates the Montagues most and he gets aggressive very fast.

 I don't have a good relationship to my mother, because she is very strict to me. My nurse is more like a mother for me. My mother wants me to marry Paris, but tonight I met a boy, his name is Romeo Montague. I shouldn't like him because he's the son of the only enemie my family has. My family had a party tonight and we were dancing and totally falling for each other. Finally we kissed and I knew that he was the right one so we kissed again. I don't know what I'm supposed to tell my mum, I'm supposed to marry Paris, but I'm in love with him. So I don't really know what to do. I hope in the future my mum and my nurse will understand that I don't love Paris. I can't stop thinking about Romeo, I hope I will see him soon. He is so romantic like I am.


  1. Juliet it's Paris, this Romeo fellow your talking about well you better not be seeing him again or I will be paying a visit to him and it won't be a pretty sight.

  2. Dear Juliet, don't worry about your mother. She may not have what it takes to care for you, but I do. Now for this Romeo, hold caution, his family is the enemy of yours. Do not let your heart blind you.

  3. Dear Juliet,

    I'm so thrilled you like me! I believe we would be the perfect match if we ever got the chance to be together! I hope we can see eachother again! If we can't I'll surely kill myself. Without you, there is no reason to live. You are my sun, my stars and my moon. I pray that we will be together, or at least be able to see eachother. You are so beautiful its unreal. I think our families will be able to work out their differences. Our love is not going away. So they better just accept it, or things could get ugly.

  4. I see you have met my good friend Romeo, I hope you treat him right!
